Sunday 12 April 2009

Kitty Daisy and Lewis

Did anybody watch the Natalie Cassidy being British program thing? Nah me neither, I dont even know who she is, why she deserves a tv show or why we need a program on Britishness...anyway, my boyfriend alerted me to the fact that Kitty Daisy and Lewis were on it! So I watched it and it was actually really good! Apart from the awful bit at the end where the natalie woman is being patronising and all that malarky

Ever since I saw it I literally havnt stopped listning to them...I can't wait to see them at the Camden also alerted me to two facts:

1. we should all say "hoo-ha" a lot more
2. I really want a leopard rug like this:

I saw a lion rug at Spitalfields on antique day, that will suffice - for some reason I have no problems with stuffed things, I'm not sure why it just really doesn't disgust me at all and I really want a proper stuffed lion or a crow or something, just as long as it was vintage taxidermy, you know? 

anyway! Lewis went past Superette last week and into the vintage shop next door and we all got a little excited! "Thats Lewis from Kitty Daisy and Lewis!!!!" "OMG!!!!" 

they really are the best :D

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