Sunday 12 April 2009


I really need to get my bloggingness together and start blogging!

I got my hair all cut off - its always the way isn't it, something in your life changes and (as a girl anyway) you get a dramatic haircut! 

So I just had loads lopped off!

I sort of feel like I need to go in a completely different direction and stuff cus atm im really not cutting the mustard! 

I pretty much got rid of half my wardr
obe today...literally drawers and half of my wardrobe empty! I just really dont feel like the person I was when I bought them and so cannot wear them anymore in some wierd kind of way, maybe I have too much stuff anyway who knows.

This is me now with my hair grown into a bit! In only 3 weeks aswell its a bit fustrating that my hair grows so darn quickly!

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