Sunday 15 June 2008

Exams are overrrr

After about 7 hours of not really having anything to do, even though i am simultaniously reading The Observer in its complete entirety, producing cd covers, blogging and cooking for my parents, I am officially bored! oh dear...

Exams finished on thursday and so finally i managed to throw away (recycle and reuse to be exact :P) about a ton of paper and books that had been clogging up drawers and boxes, leaving me with an official 'hat drawer' and 'necklace drawer' and plenty of deliciously empty space ready to be filled with new shiny junk!

I only had about 4 exams in total (excluding art) and I think they went reasonably well and actually half enjoyed doing a few, something i probably shouldnt admit but we do so many essays it's almost natural.

Also means i've managed to catch up with the unwatched class of 08 (a new obsession! im going to be gutted when it ends - go daisy and will! Im really upset if she's actually 'seeing' mark ronson now - plus flash louis!)

I went shopping with my mum yesterday, bought some more thing which i will photograph tomorrow, as well as things from my boyfriends birthday party the week before...

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