Saturday, 18 April 2009

Happy International Independant Record Store Day!

Today was International Independant Record Store Day! So in celebration various independant record stores around the world put on events, including Rough Trade(s), Puregroove and Sister Ray (It think thats what its called...)

I heard Graham Coxon and Patrick Wolf were playing at Puregroove and I was tempted to go to see Lets Wrestle at Rough Trade at 3 o'clock but I just decided from pure laziness and desire to sleep (and watch come dine with me and the breakfast club...) before going back to uni to just go to see Joe Gideon and the Shark which was the last slot of the day. 

I went with Laura and I managed to catch most of Pete Molinari's set who was pretty good and did see Joe Gideon and the Shark, who were amazing! I saw them a few months ago and they diddn't disapoint this time either. I'm always amazed at the effortlessness of Viva's movements and her drum dancing (I cant think of a better word to describe it!). I read somewhere that she was a gymnast and if so it would really make sense because her drumming really is mesmerising! My favourite song was "Johan was a painter and arsonist" and another one which may be called hide and seek, im unsure.

They've also put up a photobooth in Pure Groove which is pure genius! I used it a few weeks ago pretty much a day or so after it had been set up and so I found out that the photos we took are stuck on the photobooth! there are loads of others stuck up around the walls and such (where other pictures of us are) but its a bit exciting that i'm up there pride of place on the photobooth itself haha! ahh simple pleasures...

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