Monday, 1 June 2009

Dee Piiiigs!

Yesterday we celebrated my friend Lotte's birthday by going to Hackney City Farm to see and pet all the animals and then have a picnic afterwards.

With my multitude of (kinda!) heart shaped yoghurt cake cupcakes in tow we first had a look around Hackney City Farm, first going to see de piiiigs! Who were huuuge! I seriously don't think i'd seen a pig before and they were about four times bigger than I imagined but very cute and sometimes ginger...

We visited and fed the goats and donkey some leaves and stuff, the goats were cute and climbed on the fence so we could stroke them (well feed them is the more likely reason) Just before we left the donkey made a very loud noise and let of a giant fart...humerous!

Afterwards we went round the back to the park to eat our foo
d which included my cupcakes, Mina's bat shaped tea and chocolate biscuits and Cai-Jia's cucumber sandwidges! 

Whilst we were there Cai-Jia got poo-d on by a bird and we also managed to get invaded by 3 rather...enthusiasticly friendly, big and slobbery dogs who i'm sure were only saying hello but managed to step in our food, slobber on the blanket/our bags/ us and steal and then slobber on Cai-Jia's shoe...

Happy Birthday Lotte!

Pin curls numero 2 and almost QI

So I was all set (and pin curled) and ready to go to be in the audience of the live recording of QI with a few friends to see the magnificent chap Mr Stephen Fry, but unfortunately there were waaay too many people there, and we were not even in the 99 people in the immediate waiting line!! It was all very dissapointing, especically when we found out after that it was the Christmas special!! (In May?!?!) Ahh well...hopefully we will be able to claim priority tickets in autumn...

Here are some pictures of pin curls number 2, using basically the same pattern but with 8 smaller curls on the fringey/top of head area rather than 4 large ones that we used before.

It was good because it gave my long-ish fringe something to do (ie. poof up!) rather than like last time where it was sort of down...

In film news, they're making a sequel to Heathers....HOW?! Christian Slater is awesome and 80s-tastic but I remember rightly he clearly blows up at the end...

And Twilight...I watched...I liked...and i'm so ashaaamed! Although i'm not really a fan of the girl's sort of awkward acting and lack of complete emotion at times the guy is great!

Sunday, 24 May 2009

Foundation Final Show

Last Tuesday was LCC's Foundation degree private view of our exhibition... We basically had a board 8ft by 4ft big and we could fill it with whatever we pleased. I kept it simple and did a series of illustrations with different media and then made a wallpaper to go behind it, it reminded me of a tea shop, although that wasn't intentional!

Here's me by my board... (i always look terrible in photos taken by my dad's camera   

I was next to my friend Electra's photography project...

Here you can see the wallpaper and illustrations a little more clearly perhaps? There are frames and teapots in the wallpaper...

To the pub afterwards! (trying on Mina's amaaazing 50s sunglasses!)

Wednesday, 20 May 2009

Hair - pin curls!

Mina spent four hours (yes i know...poor girl) pin curling my hair for my exhibition yesterday (19th), I slept with the pins in (i can sleep through anything so it wasn't particularly a problem) and then I took the pins out the next day and had suuuuper curly curls! I had to tame and shape them but I'm super pleased with the result! I really want to do this everyday! its just so great to not have straight hair and to be able to experiment with actually doing something with my hair for once (although the putty does leave the hair a bit mehhh - it looks great but doesnt feel as great, but maybe thats because i hairsprayed the hell out of it)

here are some pictures of it:

Its lasted really well and i've had them all curly today too, and hopefully tomorrow! hooray!

I used (well mina) a vintage hair pattern that I found online and the "poifect pin curl" video on youtube was a real help

urghhhhh phoooneee

urghhhh my phone got stoolleeeennnnn.... went to the pub, probably left it somewhere/dropped it/got it stolen and now people have it and were messaging from it....great!

Its just a pain having to collect all the numbers and i got a cheapo phone that i diddnt reeeaalllyy want an enormous amount, but hey its a phone and this one fulfills its purpose. I hate the lack of communication with everyone! I had to meet my friend Mina and i spent so long trying to get in contact and then there was super confusion with meeting and just a horrid mess! Who knew there were two o2 shops in like 100 yards of each other and that we would each wait an hour for each other to arrive - misscommunication mess - you see, a phone would have come in handy then!

In other news, how great is spotify?! Ive been listning to Link Wray, Wanda Jackson and Gene Vincent on repeat (literally) - its so great I can't believe its legal! I only listen to music on my laptop really anyway so its probably a good thing that its only streamed - huzzah for spotify

And also - M&S doing that vintage celebration of being around 125 years - love it! They're bringing in all these lovely old style packaging and food! Blackout cupcakes, genius! I bought Dandilion and Burdock pop which is amazing! and surprisingly cheap - I think I will have a wartime birthday party - make do and mend and all that jazz :D

Saturday, 16 May 2009

The Pains of Being Pure at Heart

One of the best things about London living is the great array of things you can do -  theres not excuse of "theres nothing to do" because there obviously is, you just need to find it...

So far this year i've only paid to see one band and the rest i've seen at free shows at Rough Trade or clubnights like my friend's Dance Magic Dance clubnight. Today I went to see the Pains of Being Pure at Heart who were amazingly cute! Especially the girl with her big glasses and oversized cardigan -  just look at their little faces

We also stopped off at the photobooth....

My fringe is getting too long and starting to annoy so i've been pinning it up...and perhaps i look a little...face-y in these pictures...or maybe im not used to not having a fringe...mysteries

(oh and i'm loving the new facebook ' pirate' setting! arr me hearties!)

Tuesday, 12 May 2009


Well I've just broken up from my foundation art course (sorta...ive still got next week but theres no real reason to go in except for a couple of days) and i've got my exhibition next week, but it feels so wierd! like i'm missing out on a complete term, which is basically what I am doing.

Generally i'm not that keen on holidays because back at home I never really have anything to do and I get bored super easily - but hopefully not this year! Im making lists of places to visit in London before I have to move out of my halls and things to do and hopefully I will be getting a job to fill the time and make some much needed money, although finding a job is tough in these recession-y times!

My mum came down on Sunday and she wanted to somewhere new, so I took her on the big three East end market tour! First stop was Columbia Road Flower market, with a lovely stop at The Cake Hole behind the shop Vintage Haven for cakes and tea. Theres also the Rob Ryan shop on Columbia Road which i'd been wanting to visit for a while - heres the website:

Next it was Sunday Up Market on Brick Lane and then a quick stop at Spitalfields before we had dinner at S&M (sausage and mash that is!) I was a little dissapointed as it was basically a glorified diner but with restaurant prices and not restaurant quality, nice but not really worth £8 at all. I did try Dandilion and Burdock drink which was absoloutly delicious! but also crazy expensive  - at least mum was paying!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Rough trade windows

I went past Rough Trade over the weekend and saw this...

Me and Mina and Xiao! rather big on a poster for the rough trade photobooth! It was a little bit of a shock but really funny...

Sunday, 3 May 2009

London Zine Symposium

I've had a busy few weeks, with everything happening at once as it usually does - London is so beautiful with sun!

Today I went to the London Zine Symposium at the Rag Factory on a road just off brick lane. Entry was free but with a donati
on (which you cant really refuse...) and it was packed full of really amazing zine artists and sel
lers as well as buyers and it was really great to see how many people were interested in it - makes me want to start my own (hopefully over the summer when i've got more time!)

(heres the link to their website:

There were some really great artists and zin
es on sho
w - I ended up buying "Bad Men & Mavericks -  the ultimate fanzine for the hopeless romantic" by Isabel Greenberg, which is super and full of lovely illustrations of mavericks through the ages! Here is a page that I got from her website, which is (haaaaa)

I also purchased "The Manly Boys Annual" by Steven Tillotson and Gareth Brookes which is an amusing parody of a war period private school magazine, with articles such as how to skin a rabbit, how to tattoo yourself
 and "what the devil do women want", nice! Its really beautifully printed as well and my friends all got copies for thems
elves as well after seeing mine. You can buy it at the banal pig online but I couldn't find the artist's personal websites.

The last thing I bought was a badge from hannah waldron - I've been a fan of her work for a while so it was nice to be able to buy something - I ideally would have purchased the larger book (as seen below!) but alas I am poor! Her website is

There was also a zine that they were making on the day that anybody could contribute to, so me and my friends printed out some copies of some work to bring in and they got in the "zine fest zine" which is a bit exciting! Heres what I contributed:

Monday, 20 April 2009

work work work

Back to uni now! I've got a lot of work to do before my exhibition!

We are (ie. some other lovely girls in my class) setting up a website for our class collective as well as a magazine for our end of year show! which is rather exciting as its looking really great so far and is getting printed out today hopefully. The website is - its not completely set up yet but is on its way!

After going to the Diner on Curtain Road a couple of times and eating the delicious cajun spiced chicken burger I decided to try and make it at home - but unfortunatly i couldn't find cajun spice at tescos (damn youuu) so I just exchanged it for mixed spice and made "spiced chicken"! Falafels tomorrow hopefully!

here are the recipies:

I've also been listning to Screamin' Jay Hawkins loads - his voice really is amazing! And his look aswell...apparently his voodoo skull was called Harry or something...They don't make them like they used 
to eh...

Saturday, 18 April 2009

Happy International Independant Record Store Day!

Today was International Independant Record Store Day! So in celebration various independant record stores around the world put on events, including Rough Trade(s), Puregroove and Sister Ray (It think thats what its called...)

I heard Graham Coxon and Patrick Wolf were playing at Puregroove and I was tempted to go to see Lets Wrestle at Rough Trade at 3 o'clock but I just decided from pure laziness and desire to sleep (and watch come dine with me and the breakfast club...) before going back to uni to just go to see Joe Gideon and the Shark which was the last slot of the day. 

I went with Laura and I managed to catch most of Pete Molinari's set who was pretty good and did see Joe Gideon and the Shark, who were amazing! I saw them a few months ago and they diddn't disapoint this time either. I'm always amazed at the effortlessness of Viva's movements and her drum dancing (I cant think of a better word to describe it!). I read somewhere that she was a gymnast and if so it would really make sense because her drumming really is mesmerising! My favourite song was "Johan was a painter and arsonist" and another one which may be called hide and seek, im unsure.

They've also put up a photobooth in Pure Groove which is pure genius! I used it a few weeks ago pretty much a day or so after it had been set up and so I found out that the photos we took are stuck on the photobooth! there are loads of others stuck up around the walls and such (where other pictures of us are) but its a bit exciting that i'm up there pride of place on the photobooth itself haha! ahh simple pleasures...

Lady Luck Internship

For the last month I've been interning at Lady Luck, at the studio in Shoreditch! Its been really fun going there every day, I like the way some days you get there in the morning and by the time you leave someone has completely graffiti-d over the walls down sclater street so its like "waiiiit....this wall diddnt look like that!"

The music too! its what I listen to anyway, but just like all day! amazing - especially the 1960s garage songs sung in Japanese and a song which I cant find ANYWHERE which is called something along the lines of "your wiggle your giggle".

I've been interning during my Easter holidays so it basically meant no holiday as such and even though its been tiring (but thats probably the hours and me not being used to them) its been better than a holiday because i've actually been doing something useful rather than moping around the house eating and watching tv (however fun that is for a couple of days, after that I just end up wanting to eat my arms) 

Yesterday was mine and Harriet's la
st day! It was kinda sad to be leaving cus everybody there is super nice, but Leona made me and Harriet farewell cupcakes which were sooo yummy which we had with tea in the 1930s crockery that we used in the Tea Shoppe. We were also allowed to keep a couple of items of jewellry so I chose the new walnut fox and mushroom, the teapot brooch and a couple of jazzy brooches (the jaguar and the kitty with scary blue eyes)

theres more on the lady luck website about it (

So yeah! thanks for letting me intern!

The Pop-Up Tea Shoppe

A couple of weeks ago I helped out with Lady Luck Rules OK! at the Affordable Vintage Fair in Bethnal Green. We had a "Pop-Up Tea Shoppe" there where we basically sold tea and a selection cakes but with a twist because we had 5 tables, each one based on a different era with a waitress to match! It was an early start getting there by 8 to set up, which meant i got up at 6 to leave the house at 7 to get two buses to get there in time!

I made lots of mini teabags to put in the cups for the first customers to have (and ones on 
brooch backs for the girls working with me!)

I was on the products stall with laura, but it was crazy busy with the cakes completely going by about an hour and a half before the end of the night, so none of us got a cupcake in the end. I was next to a lovely hat maker who I think was called Genie, but im unsure...I wish I'd taken her card because her hats were amazing!

Look at all the fabulous bunting! 4oft of bunting = 240 triangles cut by me, sewn by harriet then trimmed and put onto the ribbon by me!

this is us by the end of the day, a little tired! (lr: Hannah, me, Laura, Harriet)

all pictures from lady luck's flickr.

Wednesday, 15 April 2009

Juliana mana mo mana banana bana fofana fee fi foana , Juliana..

Let's play the name game!

I seriously can't get this out of my head!!! 

Other good songs of the moment include Clarence 'Frogman' Henry's "Aint got no Home", The Diamonds' "The Stroll"

...and "Chantilly Lace" by The Big Bopper

helllooooooo baaaaaaaayyybyyyy!! 

Sunday, 12 April 2009

Kitty Daisy and Lewis

Did anybody watch the Natalie Cassidy being British program thing? Nah me neither, I dont even know who she is, why she deserves a tv show or why we need a program on Britishness...anyway, my boyfriend alerted me to the fact that Kitty Daisy and Lewis were on it! So I watched it and it was actually really good! Apart from the awful bit at the end where the natalie woman is being patronising and all that malarky

Ever since I saw it I literally havnt stopped listning to them...I can't wait to see them at the Camden also alerted me to two facts:

1. we should all say "hoo-ha" a lot more
2. I really want a leopard rug like this:

I saw a lion rug at Spitalfields on antique day, that will suffice - for some reason I have no problems with stuffed things, I'm not sure why it just really doesn't disgust me at all and I really want a proper stuffed lion or a crow or something, just as long as it was vintage taxidermy, you know? 

anyway! Lewis went past Superette last week and into the vintage shop next door and we all got a little excited! "Thats Lewis from Kitty Daisy and Lewis!!!!" "OMG!!!!" 

they really are the best :D

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Here is me being a lucky girl with my eggs!

The Mini Eggs tube is almost finished, feeling a bit sick! I made carrot and walnut cupcakes with a cream cheese frosting (that went
 wrong! it was more of a syrup) yesterday with my bf also so its been a bit of a sweets overload

Here are some Easter cupcakes done properly by Leona (miss Lady Luck herself - I'm currently interning over my holidays!)

The chicks were so cute! But Sam's fell apart and Lucy got her's wet so it looked melted and hilarious! Mine was called Abraham Delacey Giosapicase Thomas O'Maley, O'Maley The Alley Cat (which is what Id call a cat if I had one, Abe for short though)

Hope you had lots of chocolates and cupcakes!



I really need to get my bloggingness together and start blogging!

I got my hair all cut off - its always the way isn't it, something in your life changes and (as a girl anyway) you get a dramatic haircut! 

So I just had loads lopped off!

I sort of feel like I need to go in a completely different direction and stuff cus atm im really not cutting the mustard! 

I pretty much got rid of half my wardr
obe today...literally drawers and half of my wardrobe empty! I just really dont feel like the person I was when I bought them and so cannot wear them anymore in some wierd kind of way, maybe I have too much stuff anyway who knows.

This is me now with my hair grown into a bit! In only 3 weeks aswell its a bit fustrating that my hair grows so darn quickly!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Thank you mr Yves Saint Laurant

Im so chuffed today I managed to get a free Yves Saint Laurant tote bag and book and usb pen! 
I saw a mini note of it in the London Lite and sniffing a freebee I knew had to be mine I set off to get it! Me and my flatmate spent quite a long time looking around for where they were giving them out and finally stumbled across the YSL ladies in black bomber jackets - I never give up when freebees are involved!

although the bag is useful I think the USB pen is my favourite - heart shaped especially for today!

This is my new dress from Catch 22 on Carnaby street - 70% discounted! 

Friday, 13 February 2009


its official now!

kisses to everyone! (but especially Martin...)

(haa check out the "end of day" lipstick)

bows bows bows

Its ten minutes to valentines day and I think its a good time to show you what i've been doing with my xmas sewing machine...

pink satiny one, black gingham as pins a blue double bow hair one and I made this one today!

Valentines day special bow hairband :D  

right! back to real work (ie making origami headpieces - so maybe im not getting overly distracted!)

RIP Lux Interior

its a bit late I know but noooo Lux :(

my dream of seeing the cramps live shall never be :( The Cramps are one of my favourite favourite bands of all time and im so sad about Lux!! Poor Poison Ivy :(


Wednesday, 11 February 2009


I have a new favourite film!!! (and director)

I only got Cry-Baby on monday and i watched it three times in a row and am trying not to watch it again because i dont want to spoil that new film feeling! these are a couple of reasons why I love the film:

1. its set in the fifties! Everyone loves the fifties! 
2. seriously amazing music
3 "you got it alisson, you got it RAWWW!" (if anybody said this to me i would spontaniously combust with pleasure perhaps - why cant i be RAWWW?)
4. Iggy Pop!!!
5. Johnny Depp looking like this: 

6. 'tis a John Waters film and he is seriously becoming my favourite director
7. fifties singing and dancing and extra slimy kissing with tongues!

So theres no reason for people to not see it!
Next time you see me I intend to look like this:

...think I might watch it now...