Need to finish reviewing Reading at some point! but first whilst frantically trying to mend my sodoku (or metroku ha ha) I shall tell of slow club...
went down to London to enrole on the 2nd (hurrah the promise of i-d cards!) with my boyfriend and we took the opportunity to go see Slow Club playing at Pure Groove. They were really amazing and cute and Rebecca had my dress! Also wierdly met Jeremy Warmsley who was in his words "mooching around" haha!
They were nice enough to sign my ep...arent they lovely haha!
also shown is my new tatty brooch! it is part of their new collection (which is A-mazing!) and makes more sense when worn in a zip like fashion. My boyfriend got the huge paperclip necklace but im sure i shall be investing a lot more dosh into that new collection!
About a week ago I also went to see Crystal Castles - we got there much too late so I had to sit on a post to see which wasnt the most comfy...unfortunatly they did a really short set and seemed really angry to be there...ahh well
Here is my new vintage (well...2nd hand :P ) mirror from the snoopers paradise in Brighton! finally up!! Its so beautiful I feel so sad to be leaving it! it's also super heavy so I hope it doesnt break my wall!
Im also wearing my little army hat I got from this military stand at Reading Festival, it folded up well into my bumbag!
mirror mirror on the wall...